Waste is being generated as a result of population growth, industrialization, and improvement of human standard of living. In the absence of efficient waste management systems, waste ends in landfills and in the environment (through informal discharges) leading to pollution and to a linear economy.
Due to increasing awareness of the deleterious effects on the environment and human health, policies are being gradually implemented to motivate a mindset shift from linear to circular (bio)economies and decouple economic growth from use of resources.
Full waste recycling and valorization will play a crucial role in the establishment of sustainable circular (bio)economies. Although waste recycling and valorization strategies have started to be implemented across borders within Europe, their implementation level is not homogenous and harmonization is needed.

FULLRECO4US is an answer to this need and will function as a discussion platform centered on holistic approaches to waste recycling and valorization, and on the development of new cross-border interdisciplinary and intersectoral networks.
These networks, in turn, will cooperate in the development of feasible and environmentally-friendly resource recovery approaches that can be translated into, e.g., competitive research funding applications and contribute to building research and innovation capacity within Europe and beyond.
FULLRECO4US will include a set of networking activities such as Short-Term Scientific Missions, Workshops, Conference and Symposium attendance, supported by Working Groups focused on genesis of holistic approaches for waste recycling and valorization, engagement of stakeholders, and on dissemination and communication of Action’s results to enhance impact, consensus, and harmonization of newly built strategies.