Selected abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper to be published in one of the following collaborative journals.

Please note that authors of selected abstracts will be contacted regarding instructions of full paper submission after the conference.

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

Selected abstracts will be evaluated by editors and referees within the scope of FESE-Special Issue “Cutting-edge research under the European Green Deal: Water Resources Engineering”

Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing

Selected abstracts will be evaluated by editors and referees within the scope of the special issue titled “Circular Resource Management: Innovations in Waste Recovery  Strategies”

Bioresource Technology Reports

Selected abstracts will be evaluated by editors and referees within the scope of the special issue titled “Advancing Sustainable Resource Recovery Strategies for Achieving Zero Waste”

Journal of Resource Recovery

Selected abstracts will be evaluated by editors and referees within the scope of the special issue titled “FULLRECO4US”