Express your interest to join any of the working groups by applying below.
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WG1: Bioenergy recovery from wastes
WG1 will focus on converting wastes to bioenergy carriers, e.g. bioethanol, biohydrogen, biodiesel, bioethanol and other alcohols.
Depending on the characteristics of the waste, pretreatment could also be necessary, including thermochemical processes (e.g. gasification or pyrolysis).
WG1 really kickstarted at the first hybrid meeting in Borås, Sweden: find the report here.
WG2: Biochemical recovery from wastes
WG2 will focus on converting wastes into different chemicals with a higher value than energy carriers. Some examples of potential products are organic acids (including long- & volatile-fatty acids), biopolymers, enzymes, and biosurfactants.
Depending on the characteristics of the waste, pretreatment, including enzymatic processes could also be necessary.
WG2 really kickstarted at the first hybrid meeting in Borås, Sweden: find the report here.

WG3: Biological extraction of food and feed from residues and wastes 15
WG3 will focus on wastes with and/or residues with sufficient quality that they can be used for production of food and feed, mainly via fermentation.
The list of foods, feed and drinks that are currently produced via fermentation is vast, but a few examples from mainly Europe that use, fungi, yeast or bacteria include cod liver oil, crème fraiche, cheese, salami, yoghurt, alcoholic beverages and tempeh (from Indonesia).
The product could be the biomass of the organisms, or their derivative products, or the liquid.
WG3 really kickstarted at the first hybrid meeting in Borås, Sweden: find the report here.
WG4: Water and nutrients recovery from wastewater
WG4 will focus on wastes that are dilute or otherwise unsuitable for the other approaches to recover the water (purification) and the nutrients.
It means the wastewater or slurries are considered as resource and feedstocks for the processes.
Wastewater from the other approaches (WG1-3) is also to be considered. The use of algae to reach these goals is an example of these methods. Pretreatment and also other processes such as membranes, physical or chemical processes are also considered.
WG4 really kickstarted at the first hybrid meeting in Borås, Sweden: find the report here.