The Workgroups will start soon
The FULLRECO4US workgroups will start soon. Be sure to follow our newsletter ...

Conference alert – Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability Congress (SCAS 2022), 21-22 July 2022, Porto, Portugal
Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability Congress (SCAS 2022), 21-22 July 2022, Porto, Portugal Dear colleague, We hope this email finds you well. We are glad to invite you to submit an abstract to the upcoming conference "Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability Congress (SCAS 2022)" on 21-22 July 2022 at Hotel HF Ipanema- Porto, Portugal. This conference aims to address topics related to: i) Research, Innovation & Training in Agriculture 4.0, ii) Circular Agriculture and Food Systems, iii) Vertical Farming and urban agriculture: where do we stand?, and iv) Pests and disease control for more sustainable agriculture: the challenging ...

EFB spring congress
The EFB Spring Congress will include on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th of May a 2-day on-line symposium entitled From CO2 to Materials with the Power of Microbes. This will be preceded on Tuesday 10th May by a one-day symposium on Biotechnology for Resource Recovery. The Congress will end on Friday 13th May with a workshop on Production of Biopharmaceuticals in Plants. Tuesday 10th May, there will be a lunch-time workshop sponsored by the EFB Bioeconomy Journal entitled The Plastic Bioeconomy. Low registration fees will provide access to all four events. More information: ...

20th International Conference SimTerm 2022, Serbia, 18-22 October 2022
Conference alert: The Department of Thermal Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš and the Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia, continuing scientific research in the field of Energy – Efficiency – Ecology – Economy, organize the International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia – SIMTERM 2022, under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. It is expected that SIMTERM 2022 will gather researchers, engineers, experts, representatives of local and central government and companies from Serbia and abroad, interested in the exchange of scientific and practical information ...
New call for STSMs
FULLRECO4US has launched a new call for short term scientific missions (STSM), to execute research at an international partners institution, and foster collaboration between research groups in the (bio)waste domain. Make sure that your application is in line with the strategic targets of the working groups, to be found in the memorandum of understanding, or on our website. This time, two STSMs will be awarded, taking excellence and diversity into account. Applications must run through the e-cost portal, no later than July 10, 2022. See all details in the call for applications ...
Survey WG3
A new survey is launched within the COST Action FULLRECO4US: Cross Border Transfer and Development of Sustainable Resource Recovery Strategies Towards Zero Waste: FULLRECO4US is a European network centered on holistic approaches to waste recycling and valorization, and on the development of new cross-border interdisciplinary and intersectoral networks. The survey is developed by WG3: Biological extraction of food and feed from residues and wastes; and aims to understand the perception and acceptance of upcycled agro-industrial waste as food ingredient by the consumers. This questionnaire requires about 10 minutes to complete. Can you help by sending it to your network? Thank you ...